89a One Tree Point Road, Ruakaka, Northland, New Zealand


@ Marsden Bay Christian Camp

Ian Rowe
Russell Jensen
Board Member
Murray Tracey
Board Member
Scotty Delemare
Secretary, Board Member
I first met Marsden Bay Youth Camp (as it was known) in 1990 as a 17-year-old newly converted Christian who was asked to come along as a junior cabin leader. I was hooked! Quickly, I fell in love with the impact that camping can have with both the kids that attend, but also the leaders. From there I never missed a holiday and watched as God showed me what Christianity was like, how to draw closer to God and how to serve and put others first. From there my journey led me to give cabin leading a go, activities director, be on the leadership team, and then take on the role of Director, which was always a highlight for me. At the same time I was on the Camp Committee and have watched us transition to the Northland Christian Camps Trust Board, to having staff, to dealing with H&S but always remembering the most important thing about camps...They take you away from devices and TV and provide opportunities to have fun, to learn about yourself and others, and in our holiday camps to learn about Jesus Christ. On the board, I am the Secretary and H&S Rep. P.S Camps also introduced me to my wife Jo who I have been married to for 20 years:)
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Kerry Leslie
Board Member